Wearable Technology: What Could it Mean for Your Own Mobile Cybersecurity?
The biggest news in tech last week was the announcement from Google that they plan to release a consumer-ready version of their Google Glass project by the end of this year. If you’re living under a rock and you managed to miss all the hubbub, you can check out this great recap from IGN. Even more titillating is from Google, which lets you experience what it’s like to wear their new technology yourself.
The move by Google to steamroll their project along brings up a lot of questions. For smartphone and tablet users, could this mean the end of handheld devices and touchscreens is near? Is wearable technology the newest horizon for mobile technology? After all, Apple seems to have their eyes set on their own that could replace the iPhone.
At the outset, it’s impossible to predict how people will react to a technological development like Google Glass. People might integrate it seamlessly into their lives or reject it. Remember when the was supposed to take the world by storm and revolutionize transportation? Exactly.
One thing is certain, which is that the line between our personal lives and our digital identities continues to blur, as technology continues to facilitate that breaking down of barriers. Wearable technology helps make that division even more indistinguishable, bringing new risks.
As people become more intertwined with technology, they will continue to take the fact that their information is all over the web for granted. The ease of sharing, recording and storing information will always supercede concerns about safety. The cart will continue to get in front of the horse, and most people will consider the security of their information in hindsight.
Building good habits around how you deal with your personal information when you’re on the web is as essential now as it will be if and when technology becomes a more seamless extension of our own lives and bodies. Start practicing cybersafety today, so you can be ready for the challenges of tomorrow!
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